
In few words Vigüela take their tradition with accuracy and show it is a living music, full of joy, and showing it doesn ́t need to be denatured to divulge it. They have been working for 30 years to keep alive this style from their land, Castilla-La Mancha, the South part of the Iberian plateau, at the heart of Spain, main landscape for the iconic Don Quixote de La Mancha, the novel by Miguel de Cervantes .In April 2016, their album Temperamento was released by the British label ARC Music. This year their international exposure began to accelerate, with concerts in Spain, Norway, Hungary, Sweden and Germany (Klangkosmos tour, by Alba Kultur, with 12 concerts and 6 workshops). In 2017 they’ve performed in Switzerland, Cyprus, Poland and UK (at WOMAD UK, where the band made a showcooking seasoned with songs and dance, a dance workshop and a concert at BBC-Radio 3 Charlie Gillett stage). Nevertheless, in 2014 Vigüela start a work of rigorous review of their own approach to the performance of traditional music, taking a further step on the recovery of an archaic musical language, that has been kept alive right up to present days, usually in contexts alien to the circuit of professional music and that, most of the time, has been scorned and undervalued, in opposition to seemingly more modern proposals, that frequently simplify, diminish and standardize the musical expression of the people, silencing the characteristics that make it truly special and enriches it.
Artists names and roles:
Juan Antonio Torres: voice, guitar, rebeq, hand percussion
Luis García Valera: voice, guitar, lute, hand percussion
Mari Nieto: voice, hand percussion
Carmen Torres: voice, hand percussion