
Fundacja Wszystkie Mazurki Świata
+ 48 606 966 337


Centrum Praskie Koneser
Butelkownia - Centrum eventowe Koneser, Plac Konesera, Warszawa, Polska


Apr 26 2019


19:00 - 21:00


30/20 zł

CONCERT: “Dance Katharsis”

“Dance Katharsis. Oberek and Tantarella”

Salentrio ensemble:
Massimiliano De Marco – guitar, mandolin, vocal
Roberto Chiga – drums
Luca Buccarella – accordion and harmonica
Veronica Calati (dance)

The Lipiecs band:
Tadeusz Lipiec – accordion
Marian Lipiec – baraban
Michał Kapturski – violin

Marianna and Tadeusz Cieślak (Przystałowice Małe)
Maria and Wacław Siwiec (Gałki Rusinowskie)

Concert curator: Janusz Prusinowski
Ticket to buy: EBilet

Anyone who’s ever danced through the whole night will surely understand the feeling of lighness of body and soul and the whole world smiling upon you. We feel refreshed, less preoccupied with the past and the future than here and now. We feel alive.

Dance may be viewed in a number of ways – as a sequence of steps and moves, an aesthetic form, language of expression or a way to create and experience community. Today we want to look at dance as an internal experience, which immerses us in the present, purifies and renews. In many traditions this function of dance was deemed one of the most important and gave dance music crucial meaning in the lives of individuals and communities.

The idea behind the concert is the meeting of two musical traditions with heavy focus on trance-like spinning, and improvised rhythmical music and songs. It seems that such manner of making music and dance are very archaic, unique and focused on inward cleansing of the dancer and the whole community. These two traditions are Polish from Radom region with its ancient oberek and mazurka, and Italian, whose flagships are trance-like, healing tantarella and pizzica.

Radom region is a music land, which has recently been the source of inspiration for many young people as it is where they can learn directly from musicians, singers and dancers – the depositaries of tradition. The concert will feature masters of wyrywasy (local songs), obereks and mazurkas: The Lipiec Band from Wyganów, Marianna and Tadeusz Cieślak from Przystałowice Małe and Maria and Wacław Siwiec from Gałki Rusinowskie. The festival club will be opened by two gereations of The Bursas Band.

In southern Italy the trance-like dance is tantarella, which often took the form of ritual tantarism. In Calabria and especially the vicinity of Salento its particular form is called pizzica pizzica. It is danced in couples of men and women, two women or even two men.

The tradition of Italian tantarella and pizzica will be prepresented by Salentrio and a renowned dancer and instructor Veronica Calati. We hope that the concert will demonstrate universal and kathartic properties of improvised music from Poland and Italy and inspire all who love dancing.

Admission fee: 30/20 PLN
Children under 7 – free admission, 7-18 – concession fee
Seniors 65+ – concession fee

Tickets to buy before concert and here: EBilet

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