Little Mazurkas – Till-lill-lippu-linnassid
Till-lill-lippu-linnassid – garden of Estonian games and dances
Till-ill-lippu-linnassid is a name of a game. It doesn’t mean anything other than la-la-lee-oy-ho-yoy. But behind this quaint name of an Estonian game hides a rich garden of musical games for children and adults. Nowadays a group of enthusiasts in Estonia, among them Leanne Barbo, are bringing it back to life.
Estonian archives are a true treasury of games for every season, dancing and singing ones, calm and lively, sometimes humorous, sometimes requiring skill and precision. You can always find one fit for the moment and mood.
In the course of this meeting Estonian folk experts will introduce you to different variations of a well known game Kes aidas? – Who’s in the garden?, and others: Richman, Horses and Wolves, and Give it back!.
Conducted by: Leanne Barbo
Leanne Barbo is a musicain and returning guest at our festival. She plays bagpipes and kannel and is an expert on Estonian and Latvian traditions and participant of many music projects, as well as renowned music teacher.
The meeting will be based on a music album from 2018 including games, dances, tales and songs for children.
Address: Children’s Museum at the Ethnographic Museum, Kredytowa 1
Tickets should be booked and purchased at: rezerwacje@ethnomuseum.pl, or telephone: +48226965380
Admission fees: 25 PLN for an adult and single child; 10 PLN for the second child; 5 PLN for the third and the following children; children under 4 years – free admission; 20 PLN for an adult person with no child.